


Subjects: Life 生涯

Mood: Philosophical Musings

Tags: Japan, overseas living, Sydney

Introversion, feelings of regression in Singapore

There’s something about being back in Singapore that’s brought out the worst case of shyness and introversion in me.

I’m naturally introverted and there’s nothing wrong with that. But lately, the hesitation to speak up about how I really feel about things is debilitating and it really sucks.

The funny part of it all is that I felt I was a completely different person in my months overseas. I think being in Australia and Japan nurtured extraversion in me. And as a friend pointed out, it’s perhaps because no one knew me in Oz that I could let out the inhibitions within myself.

Coming back to Singapore it’s like I’m feeling the effects of culture shock, which is strange because I grew up here thus I ought to know better. However, I googled, and apparently there’s such a thing called reverse culture shock where the subject who’s been overseas for a period of time finds it hard to re-adapt to her country of origins.

Subjects: Life 生涯

Mood: Philosophical Musings

Tags: career, culture shock, Fukuoka 福岡, healing, introversion, Japan, Singapore, Sydney

Pseudo blogger

I guess it’s not hard to figure out that my ‘blogger’ status is more of a semi-hobby than a passion :p The truth is ever since I graduated from university in Singapore the desire to pen my feelings doesn’t come as naturally anymore. Even though I set up this pretty nice-looking (I hope!) blog, frankly I’m more interested in the design and implementation (Drupal) of it rather than the actual content. I could spend hours tweaking this functionality and adding this plugin and that but frankly the actual usage doesn’t justify the effort taken to implement. ^^

Nevertheless, I think the start of my Masters course in Sydney should warrant at least a couple of posts so here I am, more than a month since I reached here. To be fair to myself, I didn’t actually get internet connection till the end of last month (thanks Telstra, geez)..

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像, Life 生涯, School 学校, Sydney シドニー

Mood: Random

Tags: anime, ODEX, Sydney, USyd

Moving to Sydney

As some of you already know, I will be taking up a Master in Commerce course in Sydney that would last 18 months. The course will commence mid-July. Exciting and a bit scary at the same time. I’m quite attached to my family and have never been away from them for more than a month before. I guess it’s time I became more independent. In the last month I’ve been (re)learning how to cook (pasta, sweet sour pork, chicken with sesame sauce etc.)— a basic need for survival!

Subjects: School 学校

Mood: Declarations

Tags: commerce, finance, masters, Sydney

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