PPC Win2003SE Settings for Japanese (Revised)


Revised registry code (click here to see the outdated code)for the English OS version of PPC Win2003SE using the Japanese version of wince.nls. This has been tested with ComPOBox for Japanese input and so far works perfecty fine. Time to try a commercial Japanese input software like ATOK I guess.

Things you need…

  1. ComPOBox from here for the Kokugo Jiten.
  2. Nihon Win2003SE wince.nls from here.
  3. Any version of MSGothic (you can even take from WinXP or whatever)
  4. The registry code below…



"Symbol"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Times New Roman"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Courier New"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Arial"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Tahoma"="\\Windows\\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"

"Times New Roman"="00a5,007e,0391-03c9,2026,2116,221a,25a0-25ff"
"Courier New"="00a5,007e,0391-03c9,2026,2116,221a,25a0-25ff"

"Nm"="MS PGothic"



Subjects: Learning the Japanese Language 日本語勉強, Technology 技術

Tags: Japanese, pocket pc

PPC Win2003SE Settings for Japanese (Outdated)

Note: The following is outdated as of 2 Oct 2004. For revised version click here.

Code for UTF-8 Japanese sites only.

Replace MS Gothic with Arial Unicode MS for fonts of other languages (UTF-8 sites) to be displayed correctly


"Symbol"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Times New Roman"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Courier New"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Arial"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Tahoma"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"System"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"

"Courier New"="00a5,007e,0391-03c9,2026,2116,221a,25a0-25ff"


Japanese localisation on an English OS

Temporary solution (side effects not tested for) until I can find a new copy of wince.nls from Japan: replace wince.nls with Win2003’s (1st edition) wince.nls. Ensure that MS Gothic font is in the \Windows folder and not the \Windows\Fonts folder.
This is a cleaned up version of this site’s code.

Subjects: Learning the Japanese Language 日本語勉強, Technology 技術

Tags: Japanese, pocket pc

酒を飲み過ぎてはいけない。酒に酔って普通にしたくない事をしてしまう。後悔でももう何もできない… ”泣”

Subjects: General

Mood: Declarations

Perfection is sometimes a pain...

So my dad says to me in an email sent from the airport before he leaves for London (in a plane which he believed was a direct flight but turns out it is not but he gets upgraded to first class anyhow isn’t that so cool while I’m stuck here at 3:10 AM typing this when I should be sleeping since I have to work tomorrow but somehow I don’t think that this rant has anything to do with the title of the email because) and I believe this is so true considering the turn of events regarding a particular dvd set that I purchased today. Thus I formally adopt this as my new signature in my email from today until whenever I tire of it.

Subjects: General

Mood: Declarations, Learnings & Quotations

The Internet no more

Interesting piece of news. According to this article, the ‘Internet’ will no longer need to be spelt in this manner:,1284,64596,00.html

For years, I’d been capitalising ‘Internet’ and the ‘Web’ because it always felt appropriate to do so. Techno jargon always seems so cool when capitalised.

Now with the net nearly synonymous with the personal computer, which in turn is as pervasive in the household as the television, the change in spelling is the milestole of a change in times where higher technology has become a lifestyle.

Subjects: Technology 技術

Mood: Discoveries & Relevations

Tags: internet, jargon

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