
Some people seem to think that one can be so cheap as to be bought over by a couple of simple things such as dinner and drinks. They pretend to be nice but all they are are really wolves under sheep skins. These people sicken me.

Subjects: General


本っ当に難しいと思う‼ 使わなければならない時、とても緊張してしまう… 敬語を使い、間違いの心配が溢れていく…*泣*

The following is a scan of a Straits Times article published today:

Keigo Article

Subjects: Learning the Japanese Language 日本語勉強

Tags: Japanese, keigo 敬語, Straits Times

Devastation in Asia

What a terrible week to end the year for the regions in Asia as the devastating forces of the tsunamis (Japanese: 津波), triggered by a 9.0 earthquake in the west of Indonesia’s Sumatra, ravaged coastal regions, decimating villages, towns and tourist resorts in Sumatra, Malaysia, Thailand, the Maldives, India and Sri Lanka.

Subjects: General

Mood: Sombre

Tags: tsunami


One of those nights where every little thing irks the hell out of you and you have no idea what’s bothering you and you just want to scream. >_<

Subjects: General

Mood: Raves and Rants

23 years old

Getting older day by day.

Subjects: General

Mood: Declarations

Tags: birthday

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