Journal archive: December 2001

Ashtanga Christmas

Woohooo… I got an Ashtanga yoga mat and mat carrier for Christmas from my mom. Just the very present I wanted!!!

Actually, I chose it myself *sheepish look*… my mom accompanied me to my yoga center where she paid for it with her credit card…hehe… but let’s forget that…

This morning (after I wake up later) I’m going start a habit of doing yoga/pilates at home (yoga classes are getting too expensive). Normally, I only do handstands against the wall because headstands are a bit dangerous if you don’t have the right support (ie cushioning). But with this mat, it makes my life a lot easier.

Subjects: General

Mood: Gratifications

Tags: Christmas, gift, pilates, yoga

I love the LOTR

This is a bit belated, but I just have to say: Lord of the Rings, what a great, great movie. The best fantasy movie in years, and a completely different cinema experience from what we’re used to seeing. This should be what movie-making should be about. And the score, damn, Howard Shore, you’ve convinced me to buy your album. What a nice present to get for your family for christmas.

The only thing that marred my viewing experience was the horrible audience who couldn’t appreciate the subtleties of the film. This bunch of women at the back just couldn’t shut up throughout the movie, even in the quiet moments of the film. How unfortunate for them that they missed out on one of the greatest movies ever, even though they had paid S$7.50 and were propped in one of the best seats of the theatre.

Right now, I’m done with re-reading The Fellowship of the Ring and starting on The Two Towers. I have the Alan Lee embellished hardcover edition that I got for Christmas a couple of years ago. I see the movie-tie-in mass paperback editions in the market right now, they just don’t do the book justice. Even though the prices of the hardcover editions have increased over the years (My book cost about S$70 four years ago, the same books now cost around S$105), I think they are a great investment if you can afford.

Subjects: Books 書物, Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: anime, Christmas, cinema, gift, Lord of the Rings, Miyazaki Hayao 宮崎駿

Bored, bored, bored...

Bored, bored, bored… I’m still at home, have books to read but don’t feel like reading, the next TV show that’s worth watching is at 5:30PM.

I think humans have been completely consumed by media. If there isn’t any television shows/movies to watch, books/newspapers to read, there’s nothing much else that we can do in our free time. The Internet is such a big part of our lives that we really can’t survive without it anymore. It’s very sad actually. Alternatives are like, going to the beach, or cycling etc, but over here, it can be a bit of a chore doing all those: the beach is a litterbug’s haven (in other words: filthy); cyclists are parasites to motorists (who don’t realise how lucky they are, sheltered away from the pollution they bring to the air while in their mobile air-conditioned compartments)

Subjects: General

Mood: Bordom

Anticipating the FOTR

I’m going to watch The Fellowship of the Ring tonight. =) Bought the tickets from the cinema when it opened its doors today. The blasted cinema… its first show was supposed to be showing at 10:10 AM in the morning, so I expected the booths to be open at around 9:40 so I was there waiting around that time. It made sense didn’t it? But noooo… it turns out the cinema’s run by a bunch of slackers and it only opened at 10AM sharp. *grumble* I guess I wasn’t the only one pissed because there was a bunch of people wanting to watch the early show with not-very-happy faces. I must admit one good thing about Singapore is that you can easily buy tickets to opening-day screenings/sneak previews on the day itself without having to queue up for a long time as long you go to book the tickets early. Alternatively, you can also book via Internet/Phone if you have a debit/credit card. Call me old-fashioned but I prefer the traditional means of booking.

Anyways, It’s the 8:15 show, that means the show will probably end at around 11:25.

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Gratifications

Tags: cinema, Lord of the Rings

The blogger's all right

Looks like the blogger’s (har har) all right. Just need to iron out some formatting bugs and then it’ll finally look presentable.

Subjects: General

Tags: blogging