Bored, bored, bored...
Bored, bored, bored… I’m still at home, have books to read but don’t feel like reading, the next TV show that’s worth watching is at 5:30PM.
I think humans have been completely consumed by media. If there isn’t any television shows/movies to watch, books/newspapers to read, there’s nothing much else that we can do in our free time. The Internet is such a big part of our lives that we really can’t survive without it anymore. It’s very sad actually. Alternatives are like, going to the beach, or cycling etc, but over here, it can be a bit of a chore doing all those: the beach is a litterbug’s haven (in other words: filthy); cyclists are parasites to motorists (who don’t realise how lucky they are, sheltered away from the pollution they bring to the air while in their mobile air-conditioned compartments)
Subjects: General
Mood: Bordom
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