Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像



男子校・藤森学園には「姫」という制度があった。 それは男子校での男ばかりの生活の潤いとなるべく見目麗しい生徒を選び、 構内のイベントの度に女の子の格好をさせるという学校公認の制度。しかも衣装はロリータ


「プリンセス・プリンセスD」では豊実琴が主人公でドラマオリジナルのストー リーが展開します。
黒姫とは!? 裏生徒会とは!? 学園を揺るがす大事件が!


OMG. I’ve been following the anime and think it’s hilarious, but to make this into a jdorama, 何か気持ち悪っ O___O


Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Discoveries & Relevations

Tags: anime, Japanese, jdorama

War of the Giant Pelicans

Watched Spielberg’s War of the Worlds with Ling today and though I liked it a lot, it was, film-wise, one traumatic experience for me. Forget the little bits of exposition they had to furnish concerning Tom Cruise’s Ray Ferrier’s household mismanagement problems. Forget the slightly cheesy-by-modern-day-standards explanation on how the alien lifeforms landed on (or rather into) Earth. If one were expecting an alien-invasion movie similar to, say, Independence Day, one might be sorely disappointed, because there were no Earthian heroes with the talents or the technology to defeat the mighty giant armoured machines. The film was instead one grand statement about the fragility of Man and his ugly nature when the desperation to survive supersedes morality.

This is one film that was based on a late-1800s novel by H.G. Wells, with a famous radio series in the 1930s by Orson Welles that sent people who believed the invasion real into panic. It would have been a horror tale more for the imagination than a visual exercise if not for the advances of cinematic technology.

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: cinema, H.G. Wells, Minority Report, Orson Welles, pelicans, PKD, science fiction, Steven Spielberg

FFVII Advent Children Japanese DVD

Happened to be at the Amazon website looking at Kyou Kara Maou stuff when I saw the link to the Advent Children DVD page As usual Japanese DVDs are ridiculously expensive.

Can’t wait for this movie to be out, especially with Sakurai Takahito

Thought I’d just post the specs from the Amazon site here (additional English comments in bold added by me):




Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Amazon, Cloud クラウド, DVD, Final Fantasy, Morikawa Toshiyuki 森川智之, Sakurai Takahiro 櫻井孝宏, seiyuu 声優


Well, with bit of help from Vincent, I just finished watching the Josh Whedon series Firefly. It’s the best American drama series I’ve seen to date (I know I haven’t seen too many though). Starts off a bit slow but it gets fantastic once you got to know the characters a bit deeper. It’s a pity the duration of the series lived up to its firefly name…

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Cowboy Bebop, Firefly


Watashi wa omoide ni wa naranai sa”…ends 3 of the trailers in Final Fantasy Advent Children, Squaresoft’s attempt at mythologising the iconic villain Sephiroth. カッコいい‼

Other favourite one-liners:
“I am Alpha and Ome’ga, the beginning and the end” — Revelation 21:6
“I am Legend” — Richard Matheson
“I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds” — Robert Oppenheimer (though technically the line did not originate from him)

And as recommended by 傑義, I just watched the FF7 opening remake that was created specially for the PS3 technology demo. Pretty cool, seeing how much technology has evolved over the past 8 years. Before I saw the demo, I actually saw the screenshots, thinking that they were screenshots of the movie, except they seemed a little pixellated. I thought, maybe they were production screenshots or something… Wow.

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Learnings & Quotations, Raves and Rants

Tags: Final Fantasy, Japanese, Square-Enix, Squaresoft