

Watashi wa omoide ni wa naranai sa”…ends 3 of the trailers in Final Fantasy Advent Children, Squaresoft’s attempt at mythologising the iconic villain Sephiroth. カッコいい‼

Other favourite one-liners:
“I am Alpha and Ome’ga, the beginning and the end” — Revelation 21:6
“I am Legend” — Richard Matheson
“I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds” — Robert Oppenheimer (though technically the line did not originate from him)

And as recommended by 傑義, I just watched the FF7 opening remake that was created specially for the PS3 technology demo. Pretty cool, seeing how much technology has evolved over the past 8 years. Before I saw the demo, I actually saw the screenshots, thinking that they were screenshots of the movie, except they seemed a little pixellated. I thought, maybe they were production screenshots or something… Wow.

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Learnings & Quotations, Raves and Rants

Tags: Final Fantasy, Japanese, Square-Enix, Squaresoft

On turning 21

I’m finally 21! as of October 31st 2002 that is. In my country, that number marks the beginning of ‘adulthood’. I think that’s so weird, ‘cause I really don’t feel like I’ve grown up at all: I still behave *ahem* childishly, or rather childlike-ly 50% of the time. Still, being 21 is a nice feeling. I feel a lot better being 21 than 20, a neither teen nor adult age.

The second thing I want to mention is that I’m done with my projects for this semester, what’s left are the 2 exam papers. It has been a total nightmare, this entire semester, as you can probably already tell from my previous retarded posts (not to say that this post isn’t as retarded). I’ve had barely any time at all to update my websites, no time to read, so my command of English has obviously undergone a degenerative process. I’m getting fat cos I haven’t been exercising with my tightly booked schedules, my thyroid condition doesn’t help either. Life’s been depressing. But NOW I’ve actually time to recenter my my perceptions. As such, my resolutions are to get healthier, exercise, lose some unnecessary weight, recover from my thyroid, do some more reading, re-pursue the hobbies I cast aside because of school.

Subjects: General

Tags: birthday, examination, hyperthyroid, Squaresoft, website


Awful… I’ve been neglecting blogger as you can tell. Rather busy of late. Yesterday I finally managed to take time to update my Squaresoft Repository website. Kind of shabby writing but I thought I should put something up to satisfy the visitors for the time being while I sort the rest of my life out. On a good note, I’m going for my old junior college’s fun fair tomorrow. Should be fun.

Subjects: General

Tags: blogging, Squaresoft, website

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