Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

TV shows to watch (am already watching) this year

Since I’m terribly free and am on a list-making impetus, here’s my list of TV shows to catch up on:

1. Remaining four Doctor Who specials for the year: Goodbye David Tennant *sobs*. I hope the newcomer Matt Smith will be competent; I am also curious to know how Steven Moffat intends to lead the 1st Doctor Who of the forthcoming decade.

2. Torchwood season 3 miniseries:I swear the Doctor Who creative team is out to torture us this year. Only five episodes of John Barrowman arrrgh…..

3. Battlestar Galactica (or what’s remaining of it): We have only 2 more episodes to go before the end???

4. Smallville: No Lex, rumoured killing off of two main characters, what else? But since I’ve been watching this series for the last 7 seasons, why not finish the 8th (which has seen much improvement over season 7)?

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Gratifications

Tags: TV

Dr Who season 4 finale and David Tennant

It is approximately one more day before I’ll be able to watch the Doctor Who S4 finale. I promise not to spoil myself before I get to watch the episode. It is so tempting to do so because I really really really want to know if David Tennant is going to stay. He mustn’t leave. When I first watched Doctor Who (2005) last year, I got used to Christopher Eccleston’s (a.k.a the Invisible Man Claude in Heroes) and was surprised to find out that he regenerated into Tennant in the 1st season’s finale. I love Eccleston’s portrayal but perhaps one season wasn’t enough to keep me hooked enough.Then came Tennant and he really brought the game up. While the 9th Doctor was a cynical and streetwise (?) one, Tennant’s version is childlike, curious, empathetic, suave, all combined together. Tennant cannot go now! This time I really hope it’s one of Russell Davies’ tricks to megaboost the ratings for the series and we’ll still have Tennant for season 5.T____________T

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: David Tennant, Doctor Who

More XEDO ammunition

My friend Ketsugi has just blogged a new post that should add fuel to the “have you been ‘DEXed” saga. Check it out here. Anti-you-know-what will love this.

P.S. I really did like Love Hina a lot, still remember the evening Ketsugi and our group of friends had the Love Hina marathon (FWIW, it’s ODEX discs) at my place, didn’t sleep till we concussed from exhaustion. :)
Oh yeah, Ketsugi, you owe me marketing fees!

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Random

Tags: anime, ODEX

Pseudo blogger

I guess it’s not hard to figure out that my ‘blogger’ status is more of a semi-hobby than a passion :p The truth is ever since I graduated from university in Singapore the desire to pen my feelings doesn’t come as naturally anymore. Even though I set up this pretty nice-looking (I hope!) blog, frankly I’m more interested in the design and implementation (Drupal) of it rather than the actual content. I could spend hours tweaking this functionality and adding this plugin and that but frankly the actual usage doesn’t justify the effort taken to implement. ^^

Nevertheless, I think the start of my Masters course in Sydney should warrant at least a couple of posts so here I am, more than a month since I reached here. To be fair to myself, I didn’t actually get internet connection till the end of last month (thanks Telstra, geez)..

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像, Life 生涯, School 学校, Sydney シドニー

Mood: Random

Tags: anime, ODEX, Sydney, USyd

Transformers, more than meets the eye

OMG, this film is the win. I was hoping for a decent movie but it turned out to be the most enjoyable movie I’ve watched in months! *___* LOVE LOVE

Oh before the show started there was a preview of the new Harry Potter movie. Too bad I’m not going to be in Singapore when it’s released :-( Looks like I’ll have to watch it my own in Sydney (maybe my little cousin will watch it too?).

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Harry Potter, movie, Transformers