Subjects: Books 書物

Minor gratification

Minority Report was amazing. I’m going straight to the library tomorrow to satisfy my PKDickien needs. Hopefully Valis and Albemuth are there. There’s one line in the show that was driving me nuts: “There is no minority report”. I’ve heard/read that line somewhere before. No, it wasn’t a website or anything that one I’m certain cos I haven’t been searching to read stuff on the show/book on the Internet. On the other hand it may be that I’m a potential precog after all. =P

From one Science Fiction story to another: I just can’t get through reading Neuromancer. Honestly, it’s been description overkill. 50 pages into the book no hint of a plot has emerged. The Amazon review pages are pretty interesting. There are those who stand by the book altogether, others whom like me feel the same way. Anyways…back to the library shelves it goes.

Subjects: Books 書物

Mood: Gratifications

Tags: Amazon, library, Minority Report, PKD, precog, science fiction


Borrowed a copy of William Gibson’s “Neuromancer” from the National Library. I’m currently at the end of chapter one of the book (haha). It’s been pretty good so far but I’m not quite so sure if it’s as revolutionary as it’s been hailed to be: the cyberpunk novel pioneer. I believe Alfred Bester achieved this years earlier in his 1956 novel “The Stars, My Destination” before cyberpunk was known as cyberpunk. What’s refreshing to me however, is the thrill of discovering the origins of the now common term “cyberspace”, and finding out what really was the Matrix.

As for Alfred Bester, who is in my list of top ten favourite authors, his book “The Demolished Man” reminds me so much of the film I’ve been wanting to watch for a long time: Steven Spielberg’s “Minority Report” based on a Philip K. Dick short story (another one of my fav authors). They both speculate on how murder can be stopped through the use of psychic abilities.

Subjects: Books 書物, Music 音楽

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Alfred Bester, cyberpunk, Gibson, Jeff Beck, library, lost, Matrix, Minority Report, PKD, psychic

SF Purchases

I was a zombie through half my lectures earlier. Quite a horrible feeling to be so tired yet trying to keep awake. The only lecture that I didn’t sleep in was my New Media Arts lecture thanks to a cup of coffee that I had prior to attending the class. Caffaine can be such a life-saver. Half-an-hour ago you were away in Neverland and now you’re completely awake, the pupils of the eye dilated and everything you see becomes so clear. Through a glass, clearly.

During my lunch break, I had the opportunity to browse through the fair that was held at the Forum in the Arts faculty. There was this stall selling second-hand books that were mostly in good condition, some nearly mint condition. A single book was going for $6 and 3 books for $16. I’m very happy to say that I managed to acquire my own copy of one of the best science fiction books of all time: Alfred Bester’s The Stars, My Destination for only $5.66. Needless to say, I also purchased 2 other books. They are: George Stewart’s Earth Abides and Frederick Pohl’s Gateway.

Subjects: Books 書物, School 学校

Mood: Gratifications

Tags: Alfred Bester, Corinthians, Frederick Pohl, new media, science fiction, second hand

Issac Asimov-obsession

As you can probably tell from the side panel of this page, I’m having an obsession with Issac Asimov books right now On my wish list is the entire Robot Series which includes, in series order: I, Robot, The Caves of Steel, The Naked Sun, The Robots of Dawn and finally Robots and Empire. I’ve already read all of these books but they’re so good that I have to own them. I’m probably going to order the first 4 books from which is this pretty decent Singapore online bookstore.Unfortunately Robots and Empire appears to be out-of-print. The only places I can get a copy at reasonable prices are Amazon UK and some Australian bookstores.

I also discovered to my horror that my Foundation series (which I’m currently re-reading) is incomplete. It’s missing Foundation and Earth, the last book in the series, which is another out-of-print book. How did I know this? By accident actually. I was ..ahem.. downloading (illegally) some ebook versions of the Foundation series so that I could read them on my computer if I didn’t have my book with me, when I noticed one book that I didn’t have. At least it’s comforting to know that it’s quite possible to buy the book online even though it’s probably impossible to get new copies of them direct from the bookstores in Singapore.

Subjects: Books 書物

Mood: Gratifications

Tags: Amazon, book, Empire, Foundation, Issac Asimov, library, out-of-print, robot, yoga

15 mins before lecture

It’s 15 mins before my first lecture. I’m at the school’s computer lab at the moment. Earlier, I had breakfast at with my mom and dad. Because my lecture on starts at 10AM, my dad dropped me off at the Arts faculty where I popped into the library to check out some novels. I borrowed Arthur Clarke’s The City and the Stars as well as Asimov’s I, Robot. The books are kind of yellowed and spotty, and a little dusty too. They smell…I don’t want to smell them. The Clarke book was printed in 1975 and the Asimov book in 1983. Strange, I’ve Raymond Feist’s 2nd Edition Magician at home, which I believe was in 1983, but it doesn’t look half as bad as the Asimov book. Oh well.

It appears that blogger’s publishing facility is down. So I guess this blog won’t get to appear until I get home. It’s now 5 mins before the lecture. I’m not feeling too good. A sense of dread maybe?

Subjects: Books 書物, School 学校

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Arthur C. Clarke, blogging, Issac Asimov, library, Magician, Raymond E. Feist, robot