
Was lost but now is found

This is fantastic. After a painful search, I finally found my 2 lost CDs: Jeff Beck’s Blow by Blow and The Rolling Stones Gimme Shelter CD. The irony was they were in the most obvious of places, which I should have looked at before inspecting each and every CD case in my collection.

Subjects: Music 音楽

Mood: Discoveries & Relevations

Tags: CD, found, Jeff Beck, lost, Rolling Stones

//Begin Speech println (...)

//Begin Speech

println ("
I felt like such a loser and moron yesterday when I discovered that I left my identity card at the Library in the loan machine after borrowing some PKD books mentioned in the previous blogs. The real tragedy was that I realised the card was missing only after the library sent a letter to inform me that they had found it.

echo ("
%bold *cue to applause* %bold

println ("
The letter states in its first paragraph:

println ("
“We are pleased to inform you that your lost [IC] was found and returned to the Library.”

println ("
Actuallly, it probably never left the library. Makes me wonder which is the greater moron in this age of one-click-instant letters and semi-automatic postage dispensers.

echo ("
*moment of silence*

Subjects: General

Mood: Bordom

Tags: found, library, lost, PKD


Borrowed a copy of William Gibson’s “Neuromancer” from the National Library. I’m currently at the end of chapter one of the book (haha). It’s been pretty good so far but I’m not quite so sure if it’s as revolutionary as it’s been hailed to be: the cyberpunk novel pioneer. I believe Alfred Bester achieved this years earlier in his 1956 novel “The Stars, My Destination” before cyberpunk was known as cyberpunk. What’s refreshing to me however, is the thrill of discovering the origins of the now common term “cyberspace”, and finding out what really was the Matrix.

As for Alfred Bester, who is in my list of top ten favourite authors, his book “The Demolished Man” reminds me so much of the film I’ve been wanting to watch for a long time: Steven Spielberg’s “Minority Report” based on a Philip K. Dick short story (another one of my fav authors). They both speculate on how murder can be stopped through the use of psychic abilities.

Subjects: Books 書物, Music 音楽

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Alfred Bester, cyberpunk, Gibson, Jeff Beck, library, lost, Matrix, Minority Report, PKD, psychic

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