Mood: Raves and Rants

The End of Eternity

I finally read a book that has been lying in my collection for months because of blasted school and my annoying penchant for laziness: Asimov’s “The End of Eternity”.

My God, the story’s payoff has completely overwhelmed me. It’s in the league of the alien story in “The Gods Themselves” and more. I love it as much as the brilliant quote in his “Robots and Empire” where he philosphises through the eyes of Elijah Baley about humankind as a complex tapestry.

Eternity” begins as a science fiction story that appears to neatly tighten the loose ends of time-travel paradoxes that has often been questioned and criticised whenever the notion of time travel is discussed. But it evolves into something more: the consequences of controlling time and evolution to suit our ethical standards that are subjective to the era in which we are brought up in; the aesthetics and risk of seeking the unknown.

The book links also, very nicely with the Robots and Foundation stories. I would say it is sort of a prequel to the Robots series. However, this link is more a speculative one to the Robots and Foundation mythos than a direct connection.

Subjects: Books 書物

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Arthur C. Clarke, ethics, Foundation, god, Issac Asimov, Olaf Stapledon, robot, science fiction



Subjects: General

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: 3D, Strata

3D art can go to hell

Shit, I have no life at all. It’s the midterm break and guess what? I’m in school right now waiting for the computer to render the blasted 3D artwork that I’ve been working on for for the past 2 weeks. The ultimate sad thing is that I have been spending hours on the 3D assignment and the animation run time is a grand total of 8 seconds. How pathetic is that? *whine grumble grumble*

On the bright side, I’m meeting Joel, Leanne, Shawn and Mel in the evening at KAP. Then we’ll be heading to my place to have a mini Anime festival which will last late into the night. However, I’m not so sure whether I can stay up so long. Right now, my eyes are already red and swollen from staring into the monitor. The irony is that I could be having a break right now since I don’t have to do anything but wait for the computer to render the work, but instead I’m on Blogger griping about how my life and computers suck, the sole reason being that I can’t just sit down and do nothing. It’s too boring. *sigh

Subjects: General

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: 3D, anime, project

He's a Woman, She's a Man

Just watched the 1994 Hong Kong film “He’s a Woman, She’s a Man” (HK title: Gam Gee Yuk Yip; Chinese Title: Jing Zhi Yu Ye) on TV starring Anita Yuen, Leslie Cheung and Carina Lau. Excellent show and great acting. The story delves into the delicate issue of homosexuality, weaving comic elements into tense drama.

The story: A straight man finds himself falling in love with another man who, unbenownst to him, is really a woman in disguise. Homosexuality is taboo in Hong Kong society and the man is conflicted as he understands that the love he has is illicit according to the moral principles that have been embedded into his mind. What choice will this man make? To follow his heart’s desire and embrace the forbidden, or deny this love and conform to his principles.

Interesting isn’t it?

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: film, homosexuality, Hong Kong, Leslie Cheung, taboo

Netscape 6.2

Netscape 6.2 has restored my faith in the browser.

Subjects: General

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: browser, Netscape