Mood: Raves and Rants


Borrowed a copy of William Gibson’s “Neuromancer” from the National Library. I’m currently at the end of chapter one of the book (haha). It’s been pretty good so far but I’m not quite so sure if it’s as revolutionary as it’s been hailed to be: the cyberpunk novel pioneer. I believe Alfred Bester achieved this years earlier in his 1956 novel “The Stars, My Destination” before cyberpunk was known as cyberpunk. What’s refreshing to me however, is the thrill of discovering the origins of the now common term “cyberspace”, and finding out what really was the Matrix.

As for Alfred Bester, who is in my list of top ten favourite authors, his book “The Demolished Man” reminds me so much of the film I’ve been wanting to watch for a long time: Steven Spielberg’s “Minority Report” based on a Philip K. Dick short story (another one of my fav authors). They both speculate on how murder can be stopped through the use of psychic abilities.

Subjects: Books 書物, Music 音楽

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Alfred Bester, cyberpunk, Gibson, Jeff Beck, library, lost, Matrix, Minority Report, PKD, psychic

"Suspend" + "Belief"

I just watched Star Wars II for the second time. It was a free screening from my mom’s bank. HELL it’s so much better for me the second time around. The first time I was too focused on the wrong thing: the dialogue. So it kind of ruined the experience for me, though the Yoda part was really funny and the audience was great that time. This time, I decided to ignore the bad dialogue and certain inconceivable parts in the love story — the keywords are “Suspend” & “Belief” — and… WOW.

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Star Wars, Yoda

Half a china doll

The mouth isn’t as painful as yesterday evening when the anaesthetic wore of. But my left cheek is swollen today so my face is a little distorted and as the Chinese saying goes: Mei Lian Jian Ren (No Face to Meet People, which actually means I’m too ashamed to meet anyone. But I’ll take it literally heh heh) My mom calls me the Japanese doll. I say half Japanese doll, if you catch my drift.

Subjects: General

Mood: Funny, Raves and Rants

Tags: doll

Spidey Wins!

Spider Man reaps US$114 million over the three day weekend! Pretty cool huh!

Went out with my choir friends after my yoga class today as exactly as planned yesterday. Had lunch and dinner together. In between we went browsing DVDs though I never bought any in the end. Watched Spider Man again.and my feelings for the film are pretty much the same as the first time I saw it. Though, I find that I can better appreciate the jokes this time because in retrospect, the first time’s enjoyment was more like “I’M FINALLY WATCHING SPIDEY”. The audience today was more appreciative (different cinema) than the first time around and it helped.

BTW, it appears that today’s my ‘hiccuping’ day. I hiccuped 4 times earlier and now I’m doing it again as I type =(

Tomorrow I will be going to extract my wisdom tooth at the left corner of my lower jaw. Arrrgh. I’m kind of worried. I’m kind of scared of those injection needles they use to numb your gums. I underwent this sort of injection when I was about 6 if I recalll correctly.

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: choir, dentist, DVD, hiccups, needles, Spider Man, teeth, yoga


Owwwww…just suffered a bump on my head while I was trying to lean back to read a book. I can be such a loser.

Anyway, can’t sleep, and don’t really feel like reading either (though I’ve got tons of books that I bought and haven’t read =( ), so I thought I’d blog a bit. Don’t mind the bad grammer ‘cos I’m trying to type my thoughts as quickly as possible. =)

I rewatched Wonder Boys today.I bought the VCD for S$13 bucks from HMV on Friday evening as I’ve been meaning to buy the video for about a year. I was looking for the DVD version but they didn’t have it at HMV. I’ve got a feeling that I have to thank the censorship board for that. =( Anyway, I’m going look out for the DVD version in other shops, if they have it, I’m going to sell my my VCD copy to buy it. Which leads to — naturally — what a great film it is. I had heard all the great reviews of it ages ago. When I watched it on Friday, I didn’t think much of it because I was largely distracted and rather tired. So I wasn’t paying much attention to the dialogue. I decided to give the film a second chance today because I knew I wasn’t paying due attention the first time. Anyways, the dialogue turned out to be funny as hell. I’d say it’s a dark yet subtle comedy. The acting is brilliant: Michael Douglas’s perfect as the sloppy english professor although one might not imagine him to fit the role considering the ‘suave’ characers he’s played in his film career. Tobey Maguire’s just Tobey Maguire (hahahah).

Subjects: General

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: DVD, loser, Tobey Maguire, VCD, Wonder Boys