Mood: Bordom



Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Bordom

Tags: anime, Bleach ブリーチ


Tried out this website that my friend told me about. I’m not really into Astrology but this one’s eerily close to my personality.

From Astro Dienst

Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Sagittarius

The polarity of your astrological circumstances lends you vitality, health, and an enthusiastic manner. Your actions are strongly governed by impulse, and you cannot endure restrictions on your freedom. You are outspoken and at times argumentative, sarcastic, and indiscrete. Your feelings are intense and passionate, although somewhat diffuse because they are so all-inclusive. In interpersonal relationships you rely on your intuition, and much of what you do is spontaneous. You seek constant stimulation, which tends to be demanding and draining of others.

The key to a more harmonious self lies in finding the right direction for your aspirations and energy.

Subjects: Astrology 星占い

Mood: Bordom

Toilet Joke

Extract from a conversation with a friend that took place in the office just after lunch break.
It’s either you get it or you don’t.

Friend: “I think I need to go to the Gents. I’m bored.”
Me: [innocently] “So you go to the Gents when you’re bored, huh?”
Friend: “I hope you don’t mean anything other than going to the Gents.”
Me: [0.5 second pause]”…OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD………”

Subjects: Jokes 冗談

Mood: Bordom, Funny

//Begin Speech println (...)

//Begin Speech

println ("
I felt like such a loser and moron yesterday when I discovered that I left my identity card at the Library in the loan machine after borrowing some PKD books mentioned in the previous blogs. The real tragedy was that I realised the card was missing only after the library sent a letter to inform me that they had found it.

echo ("
%bold *cue to applause* %bold

println ("
The letter states in its first paragraph:

println ("
“We are pleased to inform you that your lost [IC] was found and returned to the Library.”

println ("
Actuallly, it probably never left the library. Makes me wonder which is the greater moron in this age of one-click-instant letters and semi-automatic postage dispensers.

echo ("
*moment of silence*

Subjects: General

Mood: Bordom

Tags: found, library, lost, PKD

On bumming

It’s nice just being able to bum at home and do nothing.

Subjects: General

Mood: Bordom