

Been trying to migrate this site to Wordpress. Thought it would have been a breeze but a whole can of worms has been opened.

Some of the main reasons to move to Wordpress are that Wordpress is opensource, coded in php (which is something I can actually play around with, rather than perl) and supports subcategories. Plus it is also enabled with a centralised built-in search program.

However, in actual implementation, I found out, through the hard way (more on that later) that its concept of subcategories is different from the way I would have had it; its code is messy and not modular enough and lacks the template flexibilities that Movable Type has.

Problem 1: Subcategories

First let me describe my interpretation of subcategories. In my opinion, subcategories should behave in a drill-down navigational way. For example, say I have a photo gallery in my site that is subdivided into different sections: friends;work; school. I would consider the photo gallery as a main category while its sub sections subcategories. You can see that system built into my current website using movable type. However since movable type’s architecture doesn’t allow that, I had to fake the look with multiple blogs.

Subjects: Websites ウェブサイト

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Movable Type, programming, Wordpress

Feeling alive

This is just a short post to say that I’m alive now. I’ve survived the 3 week long torment of sleep deprivation and constant programming. Right now I’m back in the computer lab again after a weekend long break following the submission of my web portal project. This time, I’m starting on my final project of the semester, this film media project. It will be due on October 30th, just before my 21st birthday which really is a good thing, the former I mean.

Anyway, just a declaration of my latest two obsessions. Collecting Hong Kong (or generally Chinese) art house DVDs (think Wong Kar Wai, Stanley Kwan & Chen Kaige) and purchasing Zara clothing.

Subjects: General

Tags: birthday, Chen Kaige, Hong Kong, programming, project, Stanley Kwan, website, Wong Kar Wai, Zara

Lodging with the Dead

Suddenly, it’s been three weeks since my last blog post. Just want to say that I have not been alive for the past few weeks, and am still stuck in my programming grave.

Subjects: General

Tags: programming

Grave's Disease

First blog of this month. Actually I’ve got nothing really much to say, except that I’ve been rather busy since school has started. As of last week, I’ve been diagnosed with Grave’s Disease which causes hyper-thyroidism, which explains my weight loss in the month of May (no thanks to CS2103, that is why I will eternally hate that subject). I’m under medication now. Anyway, I’ll back off from the depressing stuff a bit for now. As you can see, my site has been redesigned. Yay. Began renovating a week ago, have been gradually adding bits of graphics to the layout whenever a good idea comes to mind, so the site’s getting quite fleshed out.

So, I guess it’s pretty late now. Going to zzzzzzzzz…

Subjects: General

Tags: Grave's Disease, hyperthyroid, programming, website

I hate presentations.

I hate presentations. I get nervous spells 70% of the time, and it happens when (one or more of the following):

  1. I’m not prepared enough
  2. When I’m mentally exhausted (especially since I’ve been programming and programming these past few days)
  3. When it’s one of those days where I experience speech deficiency problems (also influenced by the lack of sleep)
  4. Whatever reasons that are there but that I can’t remember right now (cos I’m brain-dead at the moment)

The worst thing about presentations is when I have to explain things into detail. It’s not that lack the ideas, it’s just that when I talk in front of everyone, I have this tendency to forget what I want to say. The only way to overcome this is by practising at home what I want to talk about during the presentation. I simply can’t slip into the position of speaker as easily as I would like.

The 2 presentations I had to give this week were disastrous for me. On Tuesday, my Business module presentation, I got nervous for a variety of reasons and though I’m not completely inclined to talk about it on this blog, one of the reasons I shall mention was the lack of sleep. In today’s presentation, well though I presented most of the points I wanted to speak about, I think I sounded more nervous than ever. Firstly, this subject New Media Art is something that really isn’t what I’m used to doing. Secondly, I’ve been having a nasty sore feeling in my throat these few days because I haven’t been sleeping well. Thirdly, it’s the lack of sleep again.

Subjects: School 学校

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: new media, programming, tension, yoga

Well, Sidney's all right now.

Well, Sidney’s all right now. He really scared the hell out of us on Monday. Me on the other hand? I can’t say that things have been great for me these past few days. It fact, it’s been horrible. I’ve got projects due within the next 2.5 weeks before I head for my exams. I’ve been only having about 4 hours of sleep a day, while the faculties of my mind are constantly being overworked. Just earlier, I spent about 10 hours on a programming assignment and I’m still far from completing it. I don’t think I’ll be able to completely satisfy the requirements by its due date which is next Saturday. Then there’s that database group project (which isn’t so bad since there are 5 people working on it, unlike this programming assignment where the scope is wider and the group comprises of only 3 members), and that 4000 word New Media essay of which I’ve only written down about 500 words. Urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh…..

Subjects: General, School 学校

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: database, examination, new media, programming, Sidney

I am so very tired.

I am so very tired. I only got to sleep at 5 AM in the morning earlier because I was scripting this darn school programming assignment. The reason why I took so long was because I’m completely out of touch with java. I got stuck at one point for a few hours and it turned out that it was a stupid mistake that involved only a handful of additional words. So INFURIATING. Oh well, shit happens. But anyway, at least I’ve got it settled.

I found myself awake at 7:30 AM because my family had to go to church. Waking up with so little sleep is an extremely painful thing to do. Luckily I had a rather invigorating Ashtanga class today so that sustained me pretty much the rest of the day. I still have lots of work that I need to get done. The coming weeks aren’t going to be fun methinks. Exams and assignments are almost here again =(

Subjects: General

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: programming, yoga

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