Mood: Discoveries & Relevations

Sleep Paralysis

03 July 2002 2:11 AM

I suffered from the worst instance of sleep paralysis yesterday evening while waking up from a horrifying dream.

I’ve forgotten most of the details of that dream, other than its setting which looked like a future (I shan’t say “the”): flying vehicles circling round a reddish planet (possibly Mars?); surreal food canteens invaded by a rust-coloured fog. The dream also involved some grotesque murders that took place chain-letter style. Something to the likes of “if I don’t do this to you I will be killed”. During the most terrible part of the dream, I suddenly woke up. But I didn’t wake to the warm sunlight drenched room I was familiar with. It was the void that I had visited only several times in my life.

For those moments, the only thing that existed in that darkness was my mind which was desperately telling myself not to panic. Sleep paralysis was something I had experienced several times from the year that I entered college till now.

Subjects: General

Mood: Discoveries & Relevations

Tags: dream, nightmare, sleep paralysis

Blog Overdose

Oh man, judging from the no. of blog entries I’ve been making these past few days, I think I’ve been spending wayyy too much time online. I think I’m going to start cutting down my online time next week after my stupid database exam is done. =(

Subjects: General

Mood: Discoveries & Relevations

Tags: blogging, database, examination

Found: Xenosaga Lyrics

This is precisely what I’ve been looking for since since the Official Soundtrack to Xenosaga was released: The lyrics to the Latin songs in Xenosaga which are Ormus, The Resurrection and The Miracle. I found them off the Xenosaga page in, but the can also be found at this website (along with a host of other lyrics) in this website called The Opera House. There’s an English translation for the non-English lyrics in both sites. Anyway, I couldn’t resist from putting up the latin lyrics to The Miracle (my favourite of the three) in this blog. I’m trying to learning the parts but it would be nice if there was a real choir to sing it along with.

Subjects: Music 音楽

Mood: Discoveries & Relevations

Tags: Latin, lyrics, Mitsuda Yasunori 光田康典, Xenosaga

New Discovery: Weblogs

I’ve just discovered this cool semi-automatic logbook thingy powered by It turns out you don’t need to do any programming (which my webhost barely supports =/… bad, bad, Yahoo ) to set up a easy-to-publish log page. That means there’s no need for Dreamweaver, wordpad, notepad to update my newly-set-up logbook (other than the basic formatting of course).

So right now, I’m setting up the page. I’ve no idea if everything is going to work perfectly or not. But I’ll let you know if it does.

Subjects: Websites ウェブサイト

Mood: Discoveries & Relevations

Tags: blogging

High on the House

12 Dec 2001, 2:02 AM — 2:54 AM. Written while chatting on ICQ

Late nights are the best time to get inspired. Somewhere around 2AM4AM, you’re online, surfing aimlessly, chatting with your late night buddies who range from the deranged and sexually deprived, to those who are simply bored. It is at this point that your mental condition hovers between the fine lines of consciousness and sleep, where words pour out from your shrinking brain mass that is unable to cope with massive overdose of information that is normally stored within. You don’t need sugar, caffeine, or drugs at this point to get on a mental high. All you need is to close your eyes and imagine the muscles of your body succumbing to the arms of Morpheus — but just barely. It is at this point that you force yourself to keep awake: two paths are available to you to choose from: one, the comforts of dreamscape; two, the harsh, dreary environment of real-life. You choose the latter. When you make that choice, for some peculiar reason, everything around you becomes surreal.

Subjects: General

Mood: Discoveries & Relevations, Philosophical Musings