Transiens: 2004

Our tastes and preferences change over the course of our lives. The things we read, watch or listen to now, will not always remain the same for the rest of our days. This we know. Yet obsession occurs when we try to cling on to the memory of something wonderful that we have experienced. Subconsciously, we know that the feelings from these memories do not last. Nevertheless, we relentlessly seek ways to preserve these feelings:- through writing, collecting and archiving. (Ok ok, cut the BS and essentially this is just a collection of links to stuff that I’ve been collecting that are not necessarily written by me. ON TO THE ENTRIES!)

Recent Reads: Veniss Underground

Veniss Underground

This book is worth every dollar and cent I paid for, despite my initial reservations about purchasing it: it seemed just too expensive for a 207-page paperback. I had intended to borrow it from the national library but it turned out that for some strange reason it was not available in the library’s catalogue even though the book had been on sale for more than a year.

Most of reviews I’ve read for this novel describe it as a Dantean-Ophean phatamasgoric fable set in a futuristic society where biological living artworks have pervaded into human society for both aesthetic and functional purposes. Having read this novel, I come to the realisation that there is probably no better way to describe it: it is the sum of what the reviewers have described and much more. Vandermeer’s writing style is impossible to describe, it can only be felt through reading and imagination.

Subjects: Books 書物

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: bio-art, Jeff VanderMeer, new media, Olaf Stapledon

Ashes of Time 《東邪西毒》

The following is a combination of 2 transcriptions of the film that I found on the Internet. Both transcriptions were excellent and close to being word-for-word. Still there were some spelling errors that I noticed and corrected. I took the liberty of adding my descriptives to some sections I found were not explained clearly enough in the original transcriptions.

Ashes of Time 《東邪西毒》

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Tags: cinema, Hong Kong, Leslie Cheung, transcript, Wong Kar Wai