Journal archive: July 2002

Minor gratification

Minority Report was amazing. I’m going straight to the library tomorrow to satisfy my PKDickien needs. Hopefully Valis and Albemuth are there. There’s one line in the show that was driving me nuts: “There is no minority report”. I’ve heard/read that line somewhere before. No, it wasn’t a website or anything that one I’m certain cos I haven’t been searching to read stuff on the show/book on the Internet. On the other hand it may be that I’m a potential precog after all. =P

From one Science Fiction story to another: I just can’t get through reading Neuromancer. Honestly, it’s been description overkill. 50 pages into the book no hint of a plot has emerged. The Amazon review pages are pretty interesting. There are those who stand by the book altogether, others whom like me feel the same way. Anyways…back to the library shelves it goes.

Subjects: Books 書物

Mood: Gratifications

Tags: Amazon, library, Minority Report, PKD, precog, science fiction

Sleep Paralysis

03 July 2002 2:11 AM

I suffered from the worst instance of sleep paralysis yesterday evening while waking up from a horrifying dream.

I’ve forgotten most of the details of that dream, other than its setting which looked like a future (I shan’t say “the”): flying vehicles circling round a reddish planet (possibly Mars?); surreal food canteens invaded by a rust-coloured fog. The dream also involved some grotesque murders that took place chain-letter style. Something to the likes of “if I don’t do this to you I will be killed”. During the most terrible part of the dream, I suddenly woke up. But I didn’t wake to the warm sunlight drenched room I was familiar with. It was the void that I had visited only several times in my life.

For those moments, the only thing that existed in that darkness was my mind which was desperately telling myself not to panic. Sleep paralysis was something I had experienced several times from the year that I entered college till now.

Subjects: General

Mood: Discoveries & Relevations

Tags: dream, nightmare, sleep paralysis