Transiens: 2009

Our tastes and preferences change over the course of our lives. The things we read, watch or listen to now, will not always remain the same for the rest of our days. This we know. Yet obsession occurs when we try to cling on to the memory of something wonderful that we have experienced. Subconsciously, we know that the feelings from these memories do not last. Nevertheless, we relentlessly seek ways to preserve these feelings:- through writing, collecting and archiving. (Ok ok, cut the BS and essentially this is just a collection of links to stuff that I’ve been collecting that are not necessarily written by me. ON TO THE ENTRIES!)

Image Gallery: Adam Lambert rocks it out with Queen

I thought this was the most awesome part of the American Idol 8 finale, Adam singing with rock royalty and killing “We are the Champions” with full vibrato even on the high ranges! Brian Harold May and Roger Taylor are da bombs. The competition should have ended at this point because what came after was so unfortunately anticlimatic and disappointing.

Play the song here:

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像, Music 音楽

Mood: Gratifications

Tags: Adam Lambert, American Idol, Brian May, Kris Allen, music, photo, Queen, rock, Roger Taylor

Best Adam Lambert interview to date