Journal archive: May 2005


Well, with bit of help from Vincent, I just finished watching the Josh Whedon series Firefly. It’s the best American drama series I’ve seen to date (I know I haven’t seen too many though). Starts off a bit slow but it gets fantastic once you got to know the characters a bit deeper. It’s a pity the duration of the series lived up to its firefly name…

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Cowboy Bebop, Firefly


Watashi wa omoide ni wa naranai sa”…ends 3 of the trailers in Final Fantasy Advent Children, Squaresoft’s attempt at mythologising the iconic villain Sephiroth. カッコいい‼

Other favourite one-liners:
“I am Alpha and Ome’ga, the beginning and the end” — Revelation 21:6
“I am Legend” — Richard Matheson
“I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds” — Robert Oppenheimer (though technically the line did not originate from him)

And as recommended by 傑義, I just watched the FF7 opening remake that was created specially for the PS3 technology demo. Pretty cool, seeing how much technology has evolved over the past 8 years. Before I saw the demo, I actually saw the screenshots, thinking that they were screenshots of the movie, except they seemed a little pixellated. I thought, maybe they were production screenshots or something… Wow.

Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Learnings & Quotations, Raves and Rants

Tags: Final Fantasy, Japanese, Square-Enix, Squaresoft

Unicode Nightmare

Migrating from MySQL4.0 to 4.1 is a complete nightmare for one whose webserver is remotely located and whose account is equipped with insufficient administrative rights. I’ve learnt quite a lot in the past two days, but suffered a great deal of grief throughout the journey.

Was it all worth it?”, is something that I’ve been asking myself the day I began web designing…


Subjects: Technology 技術, Websites ウェブサイト

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: database, MySQL, website

Neil Gaiman Tour

Neil Gaiman is coming to Singapore! This isn’t new news but I just had to write something about it sometime. According to his blog (4 May 2005 entry), he’ll be here around 3-6 July. The fangirl in me is trying to figure out what to get him to sign. Ideally, I would like him to sign my huge Japanified-Morpheus-by-Amano poster(s) but that’s going to be too large to carry anywhere. So I suppose I’ll just bring along the Dreamhunters HC as well as a couple of Sandman books. Maybe I’ll go to Kinokuniya, get myself a copy of the Japanese version of Coraline so that it’ll be something different… ^_^ Wonder what his schedule is going to be like. The 4th-6th are weekdays so I might have to work my leave around his visit once things are more confirmed.

Subjects: Books 書物

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Amano Yoshitaka 天野喜孝, Morpheus, Neil Gaiman, poster, Sandman

Behind the times

I know I’m behind the times so I’ve finally added my Atom feed and track back, taking advantage of the extra time I have from the labour day holiday. And it’s pretty cool

Subjects: Websites ウェブサイト