Journal archive: September 2004

PPC Win2003SE Settings for Japanese (Outdated)

Note: The following is outdated as of 2 Oct 2004. For revised version click here.

Code for UTF-8 Japanese sites only.

Replace MS Gothic with Arial Unicode MS for fonts of other languages (UTF-8 sites) to be displayed correctly


"Symbol"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Times New Roman"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Courier New"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Arial"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"Tahoma"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"
"System"="\\Windows\\Fonts\msgothic.ttc,MS PGothic"

"Courier New"="00a5,007e,0391-03c9,2026,2116,221a,25a0-25ff"


Japanese localisation on an English OS

Temporary solution (side effects not tested for) until I can find a new copy of wince.nls from Japan: replace wince.nls with Win2003’s (1st edition) wince.nls. Ensure that MS Gothic font is in the \Windows folder and not the \Windows\Fonts folder.
This is a cleaned up version of this site’s code.

Subjects: Learning the Japanese Language 日本語勉強, Technology 技術

Tags: Japanese, pocket pc

酒を飲み過ぎてはいけない。酒に酔って普通にしたくない事をしてしまう。後悔でももう何もできない… ”泣”

Subjects: General

Mood: Declarations

Perfection is sometimes a pain...

So my dad says to me in an email sent from the airport before he leaves for London (in a plane which he believed was a direct flight but turns out it is not but he gets upgraded to first class anyhow isn’t that so cool while I’m stuck here at 3:10 AM typing this when I should be sleeping since I have to work tomorrow but somehow I don’t think that this rant has anything to do with the title of the email because) and I believe this is so true considering the turn of events regarding a particular dvd set that I purchased today. Thus I formally adopt this as my new signature in my email from today until whenever I tire of it.

Subjects: General

Mood: Declarations, Learnings & Quotations