Journal archive: April 2004

言葉 for thought: 二つの道の存在

A Japanese saying which I rather like.


Subjects: Learning the Japanese Language 日本語勉強

Mood: Learnings & Quotations

Favourite Beers: 2004-04-11

India Pale Ale (Brewerkz)

This is our most popular beer. The IPA became a style in itself. But very few people understand the Indian connection. Originally brewed in the late 1700’s, the India Pale Ale was sent to the troops and British expatriates in India. And because it’s intensely hopped and full-bodied, it protected people against wild yeast infections. This strong brew (with 6.0% alcohol) goes very well with grilled meats and spiced entrées.

India Pale Ale

Subjects: Beverages 飲み物

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: beer, Brewerkz, Chang Beer, India Pale Ale

Desired Books: 2004-04-06

Books that I HAVE to read:

Most of the damn books on this site.

Particularly Dan Simmon’s Ilium and Jeff VanderMeer stuff (which I have been meaning to read but simply forgot to. Note that the books on this list that I have to read specifically exclude anything by William Gibson.

City of Saints and MadmenJeff VanderMeer’s City of Saints and Madmen

IliumDan Simmon’s Ilium

Subjects: Books 書物

Tags: Dan Simmon, Jeff VanderMeer

Clearing the stockpile

I have amazing stockpiles of books lying around my house that desire to be cleared. In other words: They need to be read. It’s this idiotic collector’s syndrome of mine. Whenever I buy a book, I lose the compulsion to read it since I know it’ll always be there for me when the want arises. Then I hear about a book that interests me, but that I do not want to purchase (unless I’m so hooked by it that I just have to have it: e.g. The Fountains of Paradise), I try all means to borrow a copy from the library. Then of course, the limited loan period presses me to complete and return the copy before a fine is imposed.

The books at home languish in waiting.

Subjects: Books 書物

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Arthur C. Clarke

Emotions in writing and Wave Particle Duality

It’s so hard to write about emotional states and momentary feelings, because the process of reflection - that transpires while putting thoughts to words - alter the very subjects to begin with. I see this as analogous to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, a consequence of wave particle duality in physics, in which the act of observation alters the state of a quantum system.

How is this so?

In order to write, we assume that our subjects possess definitive states; in reality, they fluctuate with every word that is spoken or heard, every sensation received from interaction with the environment, every thought process that is made. The additional dimension of time allows us to objectively assess and rationalise these states and feelings with our belief systems. The resultant evaluation is likely to be radically different from the original subjects that are of a transient nature.

Subjects: General

Mood: Discoveries & Relevations, Philosophical Musings

Tags: Heisenberg, physics, wave particle duality