Pseudo blogger
I guess it’s not hard to figure out that my ‘blogger’ status is more of a semi-hobby than a passion :p The truth is ever since I graduated from university in Singapore the desire to pen my feelings doesn’t come as naturally anymore. Even though I set up this pretty nice-looking (I hope!) blog, frankly I’m more interested in the design and implementation (Drupal) of it rather than the actual content. I could spend hours tweaking this functionality and adding this plugin and that but frankly the actual usage doesn’t justify the effort taken to implement. ^^
Nevertheless, I think the start of my Masters course in Sydney should warrant at least a couple of posts so here I am, more than a month since I reached here. To be fair to myself, I didn’t actually get internet connection till the end of last month (thanks Telstra, geez)..
Sydney so far has been sweet. For a metropolitan city it’s very scenic; the suburbs are pretty, flanked by the Parramatta River and decorated with vast expanse of parks. Often the sky is very blue, with nary a cloud so it sometimes feels surreal, like you are looking at a painting. The only things I haven’t totally gotten over include, but are not limited to, the lack of a nightlife — stores mostly close at 5 except Thursday — and serving proportions. With regard to the latter, I had a meal a couple of days ago which had an amount of rice and meat that sufficed 3 meals. I’m quite amazed that people in Australia are in general quite slim, considering the amount of food they consume (or maybe they takeaway food like me). Oh yes, and the reality of ME, actually having to prepare my own meals, and laundry (yes I’m spoilt in Singapore, 何か問題あうのか?*睨む*).
Anyway despite being away I’m constantly keeping in touch with Singapore still. I still lurk around the Hardwarezone forums for instance, and Skype a lot. Oh yes, the two biggest news in Singapore over the last month: the stockmarket bloodbath, and ‘Have you been “DEX-ed”?’ (For Australia, it’s the recent currency plunge, which is good for students like me, frankly…) As for the latter, I believe (and hope) a certain company is going to get its retribution sooner or later. To be honest, suing a few thousand people and demanding an fee of 3K for each person somehow doesn’t justify pure ahem ‘admin’ costs you know. Do the math. And let’s not forget about the gloating bit. Tsk tsk.
SO… with regard to PHOTOS, I will posting them when I get to posting them >_< (oh yes, did I forget to say that I’m lazy?). For now I have to get my ass back to studying finance, seeing I have a mid-semester test tomorrow evenimg. (So now you know my blogging today was really an exercise in procrastination against haha). Anyway I will leave you with a couple of links below for those not in the ‘Have you been “DEX-ed”?’ loop…
Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像, Life 生涯, School 学校, Sydney シドニー
Mood: Random
Tags: anime, ODEX, Sydney, USyd
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