Mood: Raves and Rants

I am so very tired.

I am so very tired. I only got to sleep at 5 AM in the morning earlier because I was scripting this darn school programming assignment. The reason why I took so long was because I’m completely out of touch with java. I got stuck at one point for a few hours and it turned out that it was a stupid mistake that involved only a handful of additional words. So INFURIATING. Oh well, shit happens. But anyway, at least I’ve got it settled.

I found myself awake at 7:30 AM because my family had to go to church. Waking up with so little sleep is an extremely painful thing to do. Luckily I had a rather invigorating Ashtanga class today so that sustained me pretty much the rest of the day. I still have lots of work that I need to get done. The coming weeks aren’t going to be fun methinks. Exams and assignments are almost here again =(

Subjects: General

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: programming, yoga


I am somewhat disgusted at myself for having devoured an uncountable number of Chinese New Year cookies. Enough to make me feel sick to the stomach, literally. I weighed myself earlier today and I think I’ve put on about 1kg in the last 48 hours. So much for yoga and swimming last week. Tomorrow (or rather later) marks the beginning of my intended week-long (hopefully anyway) diet hehe. It’s going to be the mid-term break soon and if I’m going to the beach I don’t want to look like (as my friend calls it) an ‘aircraft carrier’ LOL.

Subjects: General

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Chinese New Year, disgust, holiday, swimming, yoga

Feeling Jittery

I’m feeling jittery at the moment. School makes me feel nauseaus sometimes. I think it’s definitely the homework. I had pretty great day earlier, an interesting lecture in the morning, lunch with some friends in the business faculty canteen. When I got home, I did a bit of surfing, spent some minutes on some yoga postures, and after that, TV for an hour.

So I thought: okay, maybe it’s time to check out what homework I may have been assigned. I drop by one of my computing modules’ website (database module), and lo and behold, I see 6 tutorial questions that I have to get done by next Monday. Suddenly I don’t quite feel so good anymore.

I attempted the first tutorial question and decided to give up. It wasn’t too difficult but it’s really tedious. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind then, and neither am I now. Maybe I’m just tired. I’ve been sleep deprived for various reasons these couple of days - yoga may be my spiritual caffaine that supplements me with energy to overcome lethargy, however, it can only do so much before exhaustion creeps in once again.

Subjects: General

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: database, yoga

15 mins before lecture

It’s 15 mins before my first lecture. I’m at the school’s computer lab at the moment. Earlier, I had breakfast at with my mom and dad. Because my lecture on starts at 10AM, my dad dropped me off at the Arts faculty where I popped into the library to check out some novels. I borrowed Arthur Clarke’s The City and the Stars as well as Asimov’s I, Robot. The books are kind of yellowed and spotty, and a little dusty too. They smell…I don’t want to smell them. The Clarke book was printed in 1975 and the Asimov book in 1983. Strange, I’ve Raymond Feist’s 2nd Edition Magician at home, which I believe was in 1983, but it doesn’t look half as bad as the Asimov book. Oh well.

It appears that blogger’s publishing facility is down. So I guess this blog won’t get to appear until I get home. It’s now 5 mins before the lecture. I’m not feeling too good. A sense of dread maybe?

Subjects: Books 書物, School 学校

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Arthur C. Clarke, blogging, Issac Asimov, library, Magician, Raymond E. Feist, robot

First lecture of the new year

Fantastic.. my first lecture of the new year begins tomorrow at 10AM. I’m feeling a bit delirious. There are butterflies swarming around in my stomach. It’s 11:15PM right now. I know I have to start making a habit of sleeping early, but it’s probably going to be a bit hard getting used to again. Going off to reread a chapter of Anne Rice’s Queen of the Dammed first. Why am I reading this book again? There’s a funny explanation to it. I had a strange dream a few days ago, in which Lestat — Tom Cruise version — appeared. I can’t really remember what it was about, but I guess my dream could have been attributed to new QOTD movie trailer which I saw online a few weeks ago. The actor who’s playing Lestat is Stuart Townsend, I’ve not seen any of his films before, but he seems a pretty good Lestat, except for the lack of blonde hair. I’m not one of those fanatical Anne Rice fans so I’m not too fussy though.

Subjects: Books 書物

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Anne Rice, Lestat