Notes About this Website (このウェブサイトについて)
- There is no observable purpose to this website other than it being a tool to achieve some form of personal gratification.
- It is written primarily towards an English audience that consists of mostly me, but in the forseeable future will contain more and more 日本語 as my command of the language (hopefully) improves (頑張れ!自分).
- It is an obviously heavily (visually-)customised Drupal website.
- I’ve spent a ridiculous amount of time figuring how to use Drupal (to the point where I don’t want to know how much time I’ve spent) but I can say it has been well worth the trouble.
- CSS stylesheets and customised drupal templates are 100% hand-coded.
- If you would like to start a website using Drupal but need help, I could always do with the extra cash ^_^. Do drop a mail to (replace the .at.)
p.s. Just as my namesake did in a game 13 years ago (has it been that long??), this entry will continue to morph as the 気まぐれ (fickleminded) me changes her mind.
Tags: website
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