Twitter as a form of mass protest
And no I’m not talking about the Iran election.
I’m on vacation today. Woke up early and visited my newest internet guilty pleasure ONTD_Ai because it’s just too fking enjoyable to pass. (Not to mention I’ve been in a bit of a depression the last couple of days and needed an avenue to vent.)
I found myself embroiled in the start of a whole controversy pertaning to homophobia related to a certain “scream on” reality person’s family over a private dinner comprising the cast of our favourite TV show.
Anyway several hundreds of comments later, it was unanimously decided by the benches (loving slang for bitches in ONTD_Ai) that the topic was to be taken to the forum’s sorta big sister ohnotheydidnt for a wider audience. By this point the topic had evolved beyond a simple desire to protect the HBIC (i.e. AL), to one encompassing homophobia on a grander scale.
Somewhere lost among the ohnotheydidnt thread was another unanimous decision to take the mass protest over to Twitter. It was decided that the hash #gokeyisadouche would be the mantra for the group protest. The goal: to make the statement a trending topic on Twitter.
I did a bit of my duty (party because it was simply too fun to pass up, and I’ve been feeling evil-hearted), had to leave the house because I couldn’t be sitting down at home in front of my computer on my holy vacation could I? But before I left, the #gokeyisadouche mantra had begun to spread like wildfire.
Anyways when I came back home, I found to my wildest surprise (and exhilaration) that we, as a collective team, had temporarily, made #gokeyisadouche the #1 trending topic in Twitter, over #iranelection — that is, until Twitter decided to perform censorship and forcibly remove the hash from the list of trending topics (hence the new mantra #twitterisadouche). For proof: I take you to here and the following image:
This is seriously the power of mass protest, people.
And I feel somewhat delightfully empowered by it.
Note: If this whole post doesn’t quite make sense to you (and understandably so because I’m in no mood to explain the whole saga in detail), see the OMG-IT-MADE MOVIELINE , MTV and here. Do note however that certain elements of that story are incorrect because the story starts from the ohnotheydidnt perspective and failed to mention ONTD_Ai’s major contribution.
FWIW, here’s what Douchey posted in his live chat a few days ago that helped to fuel this controversy:
Yes. I accept gay people, but people have to accept my beliefs. We have to accept their beliefs, but they have to accept my beliefs. We agree to disagree. I don’t judge people, but at the same time, if they believe in what they believe, they have to accept me and what I believe. But I accept anybody as they come. That’s my character and my personality.
To Douchey: “Gay” is not a belief.
… Or maybe it’s just the way you were raised?.
More details, see here.
Subjects: Life 生涯, Technology 技術
Mood: Gratifications, Philosophical Musings
Tags: #gokeyisadouche, Danny Gokey, homophobia, Twitter
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