Thoughts on the 20/20 interview with Adam Lambert
Can I say I’m slightly disappointed with the 20/20 interview that was broadcast? It felt… truncated, and like a repeat of what we already knew from the RS interview, other than the fact that we can actually see his bubbly personality on TV which we don’t get from print? And poor Neil got shafted! The online stuff was honestly so much better! To think I sat through half an hour listening to a report on the Amanda Knox case.
I really like Chris Connelly though. Unlike female interviewers who typically go gaga (like me), he’s mostly calm and collected in the interview and asked some nice questions (which unfortunately didn’t make it to the final TV cut). But I loved the part where he bursting out laughing on the snake issue (just like how Slezak couldn’t contain himself in the Idolatry interview about the Bob McKenzie showroom drag queen comment, or where Matt Mitovich chuckled to himself with the pink elephant comment). The dude has charisma.
On the bright side, some new findings gleamed from the broadcast interview:
1) He’s singing Fame by David Bowie(!!!)
2) The tour wardrobe looks awesome.
3) The new haircut really works.
4) How the f—k does he lose weight so quickly?? I need tips.
5) He rocks out and blows other regular performers away even at rehearsals.
6) He was totally flirting with the guy in the Skingraft store.
Anyway as usual, the hardworking people at Youtube already have the broadcast interview up:
Here’s the rest of the stuff that did not make the cut:
Lambert on Wild Rolling Stone Shoot
From Web Preview of 20/20 Interview with Chris Connelly for 12 June 2009
Chris Connelly: What were you channeling for that photograph?
Adam: A combination of, like, okay, Matthew Rolston, I’ll be a sexy rock star as you take my picture, and the fear of “there’s a python on my crotch”. So there was kinda a mix, was like a risky-sexy…
CC: Whose idea was the snake?
A: [Gleefully raises hand] Mine. There was an idea I had about Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, this whole concept of you know, Adam, and the fruit of knowledge… The idea behind the Adam and Eve thing is questioning the concept of morality and what’s right and wrong. I think it’s an interesting debate …And a snake on my crotch!”
Preview of 20/20 episode on Good Morning America (12 June 2009)
Includes snippets of Starlight by Muse at around -1:50!
Neil Lambert interview
Outtake of 20/20 Interview
Subjects: Film, Television & Anime 映像, Music 音楽
Mood: Raves and Rants
Tags: 20-20, Adam Lambert, interview, Neil Lambert, Rolling Stone, YouTube
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