One week to go before home for the winter vacation!!
Just one more week left for Singapore. Having Singaporean food cravings already. Really sick of eating the stuff at Norton Street and Newtown :-( I would much rather eat my own cooking if not for the fact that the kitchen is 2 floors below :P
Just finished my accounting paper for the day, was manageable but didn’t go fantastically because of the time constraints. I hope I can get at least a distinction (let’s not go to HD). Next week is the killer M&A and financial modelling exams. I’m not too worried about the latter though cos I’ve already passed the exam from the mid term and project results.^^ Was really happy about the project grades for modelling (38/40!!). That was the hardest project I’ve had to handle so far in Sydney Uni and the effort paid off. While I hated the project when I was doing it, I’m glad for doing it at the same time too because of the exposure it has given me to Monte Carlo simulation, exotic options, portfolio optimisation, company valuation etc. In regular finance class we just learn two asset portfolio optimisation which uses simplified mathematical formulas. In spreadsheet modelling I actually get to see how multi asset portfolios are obtained through inverse matrix operations. Really cool. The Benninga textbook has really been useful and when I finally graduate I’ll try to make the effort to learn more of the stuff in detail.
Subjects: School 学校
Mood: Sombre
Tags: USyd
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