Subjects: Books 書物

First lecture of the new year

Fantastic.. my first lecture of the new year begins tomorrow at 10AM. I’m feeling a bit delirious. There are butterflies swarming around in my stomach. It’s 11:15PM right now. I know I have to start making a habit of sleeping early, but it’s probably going to be a bit hard getting used to again. Going off to reread a chapter of Anne Rice’s Queen of the Dammed first. Why am I reading this book again? There’s a funny explanation to it. I had a strange dream a few days ago, in which Lestat — Tom Cruise version — appeared. I can’t really remember what it was about, but I guess my dream could have been attributed to new QOTD movie trailer which I saw online a few weeks ago. The actor who’s playing Lestat is Stuart Townsend, I’ve not seen any of his films before, but he seems a pretty good Lestat, except for the lack of blonde hair. I’m not one of those fanatical Anne Rice fans so I’m not too fussy though.

Subjects: Books 書物

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: Anne Rice, Lestat

I love the LOTR

This is a bit belated, but I just have to say: Lord of the Rings, what a great, great movie. The best fantasy movie in years, and a completely different cinema experience from what we’re used to seeing. This should be what movie-making should be about. And the score, damn, Howard Shore, you’ve convinced me to buy your album. What a nice present to get for your family for christmas.

The only thing that marred my viewing experience was the horrible audience who couldn’t appreciate the subtleties of the film. This bunch of women at the back just couldn’t shut up throughout the movie, even in the quiet moments of the film. How unfortunate for them that they missed out on one of the greatest movies ever, even though they had paid S$7.50 and were propped in one of the best seats of the theatre.

Right now, I’m done with re-reading The Fellowship of the Ring and starting on The Two Towers. I have the Alan Lee embellished hardcover edition that I got for Christmas a couple of years ago. I see the movie-tie-in mass paperback editions in the market right now, they just don’t do the book justice. Even though the prices of the hardcover editions have increased over the years (My book cost about S$70 four years ago, the same books now cost around S$105), I think they are a great investment if you can afford.

Subjects: Books 書物, Film, Television & Anime 映像

Mood: Raves and Rants

Tags: anime, Christmas, cinema, gift, Lord of the Rings, Miyazaki Hayao 宮崎駿